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Waking up to a cold house is never good but by keeping your central heating serviced and in good order can prevent this happening. A central heating engineers will be able to provide you with gas safety checks, a must for landlords, through to general annual servicing to keep things ticking over. So whatever the reason, from emergency breakdown to a regular checkup Bark can help you find a central heating engineer. Find rated and reviewed central heating engineers today with Bark.

The average price of Central Heating Engineers is £350

Region Great Value



based on 2,893,244 reviews

Responded to a out of hours call out very quickly. Diagnosed problem with my boiler in no time. Came back with parts the next day and left no mess at all. Very reasonably prised. Was very happy all round

07 May 2024

Prompt and professional service.

06 May 2024

Fantastic and efficient service from Snappy Heating. Very Knowledgeable and great customer service. Got my issue sorted out with no hassle and at a competitive price. Highly recommended

06 May 2024

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