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Top rated app developers

Find a top mobile developer today.

With smartphone and tablet sales exploding in recent years, it’s more important than ever to find the right developer to create your mobile app – and that’s where Bark comes in. We’ll contact hundreds of skilled designers, app companies and programmers to find you the best mobile developer for the job.

Our app developers and app development companies regularly provide Android and iOS development services, frontend UI design, integration with backend systems, cross-platform support, data services, encryption, app wrapping and more. We’ll often find you suppliers who are available and ready to quote within minutes, either close to home or in locations ideal for offshore outsourcing like India or the Ukraine.

We’ve already helped thousands of small businesses find great mobile development partners to bring their projects to life in coding languages such as Java, Objective-C, HTML5 and more. Right now, we’d like to do the same for you – simply place your Bark today and we’ll start contacting skilled mobile

App development

Build customer loyalty by building an app. Whether you want to promote your business or help your company stand out in the market, we’ll find you a range app developers and app development companies to build an app for your business or employees.

How long does it take to make an app?

On average, apps can take anywhere between three and nine months to develop, depending on the complexity of the app and structure of your project. Each stage in the process takes different amounts of time to complete but the most time-consuming of these stages tends to be writing the project brief which can take about two weeks.

What is the process of making an app?

The first stage is brainstorming and finalising the idea for the app. The next stage is designing the app and once the design is approved, the process moves into the development phase. The developers will then test the app on multiple platforms and make sure that the app is market-ready. The final phase is deploying the app to the wider audience and then companies can begin marketing it.

Hire a mobile app developer today!

What are the must-have features for an app?

  • Search Feature – Mobile apps need to have a dedicated search functionality to allow users to locate content that contains the keywords and key phrases relevant to what they need.

  • Social Media Networking Capabilities – Social media should be incorporated directly from your mobile application.

  • Responsive Mobile App Design – Mobile app designing for Android and Apple devices is no longer enough. Most mobile app developers also need to consider the range of screen sizes between the small ‘compact’ and ‘mini’ phones and larger tablets. They need to incorporate responsive app design into the mobile app development so that all of the users receive a great user experience.

  • Different Versions for Different Mobile Devices – Apps need to be developed for both operating systems so that a large segment of users is not alienated.

  • More Mobile Screen Touching – It needs to be designed with minimal use of the keyboard so that much of the user experience as possible is touch-based.

  • User Feedback – It should give the users the ability to provide instant feedback which eliminates lots of calls to the technical support department.

  • Ability to Work Offline – Apps should provide as much usability as possible without an Internet connection. This will allow users to do some work even if Internet access is not available.

What should I consider before deciding on app developer?

App development time – Some app companies rely on templates which is a good option if you need a simple app. You can choose from several templates and a few designs. If you need a lot of advanced features or you want an enterprise-level app, it may be best to work with mobile app companies who build custom made apps. Your app will also undergo rigorous testing before launch. Plus, a custom app is designed specifically around your idea and your audience, which leads to higher usage.

  • Freelancers – If your company is relying on this app to provide customer service, e-commerce, or drive part of your business, you need to be sure they also have the capacity to offer these services.

  • Operating systems – Some mobile app development companies only develop apps for one operating system, either Apple or Android. Make sure you are clear on what is developed when obtaining quotations.

  • Previous apps – Make sure you look at other apps the company has built. You can also use their previous work as examples of features you like or dislike.

  • Connection – It is a good idea to meet with the project manager to be sure you are happy to work with them for the duration of the project.

  • References – Contact the owners of apps built by a company you are considering to obtain some references.

  • Budget – A mobile app developer should offer specifics on how they will work with you, how they will execute the work and ask detailed questions about your requirements. Your local professional will work to your budget and ensure that you get the best value for money and create the best app for your needs.

You can be confident that any of the local Bark mobile software developers listed will help you develop a great app for your business.
BitsWits profile image


BitsWits is a mobile app design and development company specializing in creating top-quality mobile apps for businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced developers and designers work closely with clients to understand their needs and goals, and then deliver tailored solutions to meet those needs. We offer a range of apps development services, including custom app development, UI/UX design, and app maintenance and support. Our commitment to quality, attention to detail, and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart from the competition. The world is going mobile, and your business should too. Contact us for mobile app development services that can help you reach and engage with your customers wherever they are.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

At our company, we are passionate about what we do. What we love most about our job is the opportunity to bring our clients' visions to life and help them achieve their goals online. We thrive on the creative challenges web development presents, constantly learning and staying up to date with the latest technologies. The impact we make by delivering high-quality websites , Mobile apps and digital solutions that resonate with our clients and their target audience brings us immense satisfaction. Additionally, the collaborative nature of our work allows us to foster great relationships with our clients and work together as a team to create something truly remarkable.

What inspired you to start your own business?

As an entrepreneur, several factors inspired me to start my own business. Firstly, I have always had a strong desire for independence and the freedom to pursue my own ideas and visions. Starting my own business allows me to take control of my professional destiny and create something meaningful.

Secondly, I am motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact and contribute to society. With my own business, I have the ability to address specific needs or problems and offer innovative solutions that can benefit others. This sense of purpose and the potential to create value is a driving force behind my entrepreneurial journey.

Furthermore, I have a passion for creativity and innovation. Starting my own business provides a platform for me to explore new ideas, push boundaries, and bring my unique vision to life. Being an entrepreneur allows me to constantly learn and grow, embracing new challenges and opportunities along the way.

Lastly, the potential for financial rewards and personal growth is also a motivating factor. Running my own business gives me the opportunity to build wealth and create a legacy. It allows me to set and pursue ambitious goals, continuously pushing myself to achieve greater success.

Overall, the combination of independence, making a positive impact, pursuing creativity and innovation, and the potential for personal and financial growth inspired me to embark on the entrepreneurial journey and start my own business.

Why should our clients choose you?

There are several compelling reasons why our clients should choose us as their app development company:

Expertise and Experience: We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who specialize in app development. Our team has a proven track record of delivering successful projects across various industries. We stay updated with the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring that our clients receive cutting-edge solutions.

Customized Solutions: We believe in understanding our clients' unique requirements and tailoring our solutions to meet their specific needs. We work closely with our clients, offering personalized attention and focusing on their goals, target audience, and desired features. Our aim is to create a customized app that aligns perfectly with their business objectives.

Quality and Reliability: We are committed to delivering top-notch quality in every aspect of our work. From design to development and testing, we adhere to the highest standards to ensure the app's performance, security, and user experience. Our clients can rely on us to deliver a robust, reliable, and bug-free application.

Seamless User Experience: User experience is at the forefront of our app development process. We prioritize creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance engagement and satisfaction. By incorporating best practices in usability and design, we strive to create an app that users will love to interact with.

Timely Delivery and Communication: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and keeping our clients informed throughout the project. Our project management approach emphasizes effective communication, providing regular updates and being responsive to our clients' feedback and queries. We strive to deliver projects on time and ensure transparency throughout the development process.

Post-Development Support: Our relationship with our clients doesn't end with the launch of the app. We offer comprehensive post-development support, including maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting. Our dedicated support team is always available to address any issues that may arise and ensure the long-term success of the app.

Client Satisfaction: Our primary goal is client satisfaction. We prioritize building strong relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and open communication. Our past clients have consistently expressed their satisfaction with our services, and we have a high rate of repeat business and referrals.

In summary, our combination of expertise, customized solutions, quality, user experience focus, timely delivery, post-development support, and client satisfaction sets us apart as the ideal choice for our clients' app development needs.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, we provide our services online and remotely to cater to the needs and preferences of our customers. We understand that in today's digital age, many clients prefer the convenience and flexibility of accessing services remotely. Here are the details of how we offer our services online:

Virtual Consultations: We offer virtual consultations through video conferencing platforms, allowing us to discuss project requirements, objectives, and timelines. This remote consultation ensures effective communication and allows us to understand our clients' needs while providing expert guidance.

Project Collaboration: Our team utilizes various online collaboration tools and project management platforms to collaborate with clients remotely. This enables seamless communication, file sharing, and real-time updates on project progress, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page throughout the development process.

Remote Development: Our highly skilled development team is equipped to work remotely, leveraging secure and efficient systems to develop and code the app. They can effectively collaborate, write code, perform testing, and deploy the app remotely, ensuring the project progresses smoothly without the need for in-person interaction.

Remote Testing and Quality Assurance: We have established processes and tools for remote testing and quality assurance. Our testers can perform comprehensive testing on different devices, platforms, and operating systems remotely, ensuring the app meets thehighest quality standards and resolves any potential issues.

Online Project Updates: We provide regular project updates through online communication channels such as emails, project management tools, and dedicated client portals. These updates keep our clients informed about the project's progress, milestones achieved, and any important decisions or changes.

Remote Support and Maintenance: Our support and maintenance services are also offered remotely. We provide prompt assistance, bug fixing, and feature updates remotely, ensuring that our clients' apps remain in optimal condition post-launch.

By offering our services online and remotely, we provide convenience, flexibility, and efficient collaboration for our clients. Regardless of their location, our clients can access our expertise and benefit from our services without the need for in-person meetings, making it convenient for them to work with us from anywhere in the world.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

At our company, the health and safety of our customers and employees have been our top priority during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have implemented several changes and measures to ensure a safe environment and minimize the risk of transmission. Here are some of the steps we have taken:

Remote Work: We have enabled our employees to work remotely whenever possible. This allows us to continue providing our services while reducing the need for in-person interactions and maintaining social distancing guidelines.

Virtual Meetings: We have transitioned to conducting meetings virtually through video conferencing platforms. This allows us to have effective communication with our clients without the need for face-to-face meetings.

Enhanced Sanitization and Hygiene Practices: We have implemented rigorous cleaning and sanitization protocols in our office premises. Commonly touched surfaces are regularly disinfected, and hand sanitizers are readily available throughout the office.

Limited Physical Contact: We have minimized physical contact by avoiding handshakes and adopting alternative greeting methods. We also encourage the use of digital documentation and online payment methods to reduce the exchange of physical materials.

Employee Health Monitoring: We regularly monitor the health of our employees. We follow guidelines from health authorities, and any employee showing symptoms or who has been exposed to the virus is required to self-isolate and follow appropriate protocols.

Communication and Updates: We keep our clients informed about any changes in our operations and safety measures. We proactively communicate any updates related to project timelines, potential delays, or modifications necessitated by the pandemic.

Adhering to Government Regulations: We closely monitor and comply with local government regulations and guidelines regarding Covid-19. We adapt our practices accordingly to ensure we are operating within the recommended safety measures.

These changes and precautions demonstrate our commitment to the safety and well-being of our customers. By implementing these measures, we aim to provide a safe environment while continuing to deliver our services effectively during these challenging times.

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The average price of Mobile Software Developers is $6,500

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based on 88,868 reviews

i am very appreciate for the hard and honest people and work they are done on my project ,they support and directed me, i will asking every one to recommend to work with this team.

07 May 2024

My partnership with Codment was one of the best decisions I made for my startup. They acted as a partner more than an agency, and throughout the development cycle, they showed their full support in the ideation, design, and execution of the project. Highly recommended.

07 May 2024

Working with Inventix Labs on our iPhone app was an absolute pleasure. Their team's expertise and professionalism ensured that our project was delivered on time and exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended!

06 May 2024

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