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The Chalifour Consulting Group, LLC profile image

The Chalifour Consulting Group, LLC

We are a full service consulting firm with over 30 years of experience. We are extremely confident in our methods and our approach and there is virtually nothing we have not seen or experienced in business. We provide an unbiased outside-in approach with the ultimate goal to improve our clients situation. We pride ourselves on not having a one size fits all solution or canned solutions. Although business is business, we understand that each business is unique and so are their challenges. 2021 recipient of the Best Small Business Development Consultancy - USA award by Corporate Vision. 2021 recipient of the Best Small Business Development Consultancy - USA award by Corporate Vision.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

We truly love what we do and business is our passion. We love helping businesses grow and become more profitable in a myriad of ways. Watching our partner clients grow over time is something that brings us great joy.

What inspired you to start your own business?

After about five years working as a consultant in the automotive industry ending as Vice President of Sales & Operations I decided to branch out to share my expertise with all people and businesses.

My business partner, Ken Chalifour, has owned and operate a full service marketing firm since 1995. While growing his clients businesses through marketing solutions he began to see a need for someone to manage his clients businesses growth.

Ken and I partnered up to improve our clients conditions combining the our unique backgrounds.

Why should our clients choose you?

We have no "cookie-cutter" customer that we work with. We specialize in process development which means we can provide solutions for sales, marketing, growth, supply chain, and even assist in hiring needs.

We have worked to develop proper sales processes, accounting processes, growth strategies, shipping solutions, and so much more. Our client base varies from individuals, small companies (1-10 employees), medium companies (11-100), and larger companies (100+ employees).

We truly care about the outcome of your business and we look to become long term partners with all of our clients. We focus on the relationship aspect first and have found that the money will follow.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

We can provide all of our services remotely. We are able to facilitate through a myriad of online applications including zoom, calendars, screen recording applications, phone, and email. We have become very comfortable working remotely with our clients and 90% of our clients are not within our state. We are also available to meet in person if the situation merits it.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We offer nearly all of our services remote. See the above question.

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The average price of Business Consultants is $431 per month

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based on 65,784 reviews

CoreTactic has been great with me, Nick listens, really listens to his clients and is not afraid to say something unpopular, especially if it will help me succeed.

08 May 2024

Craig is exceptional at what he does. My time with him has been invaluable. I feel seen and heard not only as a new business owner, but also as a human being. I highly recommend his business coaching to anyone ready to take their business to the next level!

03 May 2024

Bryant was very nice and professional highly recommend!

30 Apr 2024

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