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Alan Booth Consulting profile image

Alan Booth Consulting

I am Alan Booth, working out of Christchurch. I have coached everybody from CEO’s through to Gardners, all we need sometimes is a bit of smart and timely advice, just to get us headed in the right direction. With a history of steering both small local and large international companies to success across diverse regions, including New Zealand, the UK, Asia, and the Middle East, I offer more than just advice—I provide a step-by-step pathway to transform your aspirations into reality. If you're seeking tangible personal and business growth and a partner who backs you with provable experience, your journey towards transformation begins right here, right now with me. Virtually nothing happens unless you ask for it and nearly everything happens when you do. All you need to know is how to ask, who to ask and when to ask. It's that simple. Send a text message now, today and I’ll show you how. You have nothing to lose except a call and everything to gain. Don’t wait for me to call you, just phone and I’ll pick up or I’ll call you back when you leave a time and date. This is your first easy lesson, making a start can sometimes be the hardest part. Just do it and I'll show you how to do the rest. Let's do this.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Having assisted both small and large companies globally for the last 35 years I am now comfortably retired, however, I miss the excitement of developing new companies and helping establish companies develop new products, and new services in new regions of opportunity. There is nothing better than standing back and admiring success if you've been part of it

What inspired you to start your own business?

I have started many businesses in many regions of the world, most of them have seen considerable success, one or two have failed and of course, there is no business success without some failures.

The secret of growing a successful business is to learn carefully from your failures and don't repeat them. My inspiration is drawing on that wisdom and experience, sharing it with others and watching how quickly we can make changes

Why should our clients choose you?

If you want to move quickly and with confidence, it pays to talk to people who have been where you're looking to go. We know what lies ahead, we know what you've been through, we understand the stresses you might be under and we also understand that there is no unlimited supply of money to simply throw at consultants who think they know everything.

I'm not that done for you guy, I will teach you and you will learn how to do nearly everything you need to be successful so that you can continue at your own pace with confidence, I am not Mr know it all, who just wants your time and money, I have been where you are. With me you can rely on my confidentiality, you can rely on my understanding, and the fees that I charge will be commensurate with what your business can stand, I'm brutally honest and you have to be with me that way, you will become unstoppable.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

We would typically start off with phone calls, emails and perhaps a video call or two. Of course, if needed, face-to-face and on-site meetings can be invaluable depending on the circumstances.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We all know what to do, so don't go if you feel unwell, that goes not only for COVID-19 but all bugs, no one needs to be catching bugs and problems from a visitor! Test for COVID and use your common sense. It's really not that hard is it?

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based on 9,840 reviews

My husband and I have been working with the team at Evolution for the last 3months through the process of a business plan, due diligence report while in the early stages of applying for bank lending to purchase a business. They have been nothing short of amazing in this time. Fast, efficient. Great communication and most of all, we feel like they genuinely want to see us succeed because of the service and support provided and the success of gaining the finance and now just short of settlement day we have budgeted to continue with them for atleast the next 3months. Highly recommended.

04 May 2024

My husband and I have been working with the team at Evolution for the last 3months through the process of a business plan, due diligence report while in the early stages of applying for bank lending to purchase a business. They have been nothing short of amazing in this time. Fast, efficient. Great communication and most of all, we feel like they genuinely want to see us succeed because of the service and support provided and the success of gaining the finance and now just short of settlement day we have budgeted to continue with them for atleast the next 3months. Highly recommended.

04 May 2024

Amazing professional and highly efficient service delivered by Laura the Director of Evolution business .

03 May 2024

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