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Yellow- Wills & Legacy Planning profile image

Yellow- Wills & Legacy Planning

Yellow (www.getyellow.in) is the first of its kind and only 360-degree solution that enables anyone to digitally create a Will and plan for the future. Our legacy planning solution is designed by lawyers and estate planning experts to not only create an effective estate plan during one's lifetime, (starting with a Will) but also to be a one-stop solution for families to lean on for the smooth transition of assets post demise. Our core team is estate planning lawyers and specialists. Together we have 50+ years of combined experience and have helped protect over 42,000 Cr for future generations of Indian families.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Yellow's core team are estate planning lawyers and specialists. Together they have 50+ years of combined experience and have helped protect over 42,000 Cr for future generations of Indian families. This expertise, usually available to only the HNIs and UHNIs is what Yellow plans to democratise- bringing Will making and legacy planning to every Indian.

Why should our clients choose you?

CEO Speak- "We usually think of estate planning as a process involving lawyers, one that involves a great deal of expense, one that is complicated and requires a lot of paperwork.
However, those are rarely true. In fact, a will is something you can make
yourself. That is the intention behind the launch of Yellow (www.getyellow.in); as a tool to help you protect your assets irrespective of your networth.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Safe, Secure Will making- Available on Android as well as iOS
Android App link- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.getyellow.app
iOS App link-https://apps.apple.com/in/app/yellow-will-making-made-easy/id6444332157

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Covid 19 has taught us that life is uncertain and we all need to be prepared for various contingencies and eventualities. The Yellow App ensures every Indian, irrespective of net worth, identifies his or her assets, provides clear guardianship for their children as well as have their wishes and visions passed effectively to their beneficiaries.

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based on 22,403 reviews

Vaishnavi was very prompt on the solutions and the trajectory of the proceedings. She supported me throughout the process.

29 Apr 2024

It was very smooth & good experience throughout the process. He managed & guided very well all through, from day 1 till final judgement & so on

18 Apr 2024

I highly recommend the advocate Anirudh for his exceptional support and expertise. Over the last five months, he provided invaluable assistance, explaining all the merits and demerits of my insolvency case upfront. His guidance and confidence-building approach helped me overcome challenges effectively. I am truly grateful for his dedication and professionalism. He is a go to person for any insolvency cases.

18 Apr 2024

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