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Transformers Immigration and Education Consultants profile image

Transformers Immigration and Education Consultants

"Treat your customers, the way YOU wanted to be treated as a customer" - is the ideology we follow. Having more than 7 years of industry experience, we specialize in Canada immigration services like- guiding for Permanent residence process, study visa and IELTS coaching.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love to see people succeed and achieve their dreams of settling abroad. Guiding in the right direction with honesty which helps a person to transform their lives is what I cherish the most.
Immigrating to another country is a big decision in life and if this decision is consciously planned and executed, it certainly can make a lot of difference for someone. Hence such things requires transparency, right guidance, good customer service with ethics is what i believe in and strive to do at every level of service veing provided.

What inspired you to start your own business?

As a customer, I always expected that my service provider should have good knowledge, be truthful, transparent, and the one who tells us the true picture of whatever we are stepping into.
Being a part of the immigration industry, I have come accross many who were mislead by someone or the other and the feeling to do something right for such people really motivated me. I have always desired to be a part of someone's(customers) success, backed up by an utmost next level of Customer Service for them. This really drived me to be an entrepreneur so that I am able to make a Bemchmark of service, which may prove to be a life saver for many. I wanted to act as a professional who along with providing clean immigration services, spread the right awarensess regarding the processes for the general public. Hence my goal was to help people get served with the right mindset and ideology and to save many from fraud and harrasment as much possible. Because immigration is all about possibilities, never guarantees.

Why should our clients choose you?

I always advise my clients to stay away from people who give guarantees in immigration and I try to educate my client in the best manner possible. I have always believed in the ideology of service, truthfulness and transparency. Hence in my terms, I believe and follow that "Treat your Customers, The way YOU wanted to ve treated as a Customer".

Please refer to our google reviews for further trust on our service deliveries so far.

We also have launched a podcast channel 'THE IMMIGRATION POD-Immigrate the Right Way', which is also build with a vision to spread awarensess amongst people for the right information regarding processes.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, we have provisions to assist our clients online and remotely. We connect with our customers over the call and are available even in the odd hours as well because our customers are mostly professionals who generaly get time post office hours. We connect on zoom video sessions whenever they want to have a face ti face interacfions if they cant visit our office.. Since all the immg. Related work in online, hen e they even do not need to vosit us for anything work related. We have clientd all accoess rhenation and are happy to share a promising and satisfactory service levels.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

For in-person meetings, we meet only with pre-scheduled appointments, so that less people interact in a group and also follow social distancing norms while interacting.
Encouraging more online counselings and sevice calls is another way to ensure safety of people

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