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A new carpet makes a home feel new again if fitted well and by a professional. Bark lets you find the top rated carpet fitter in the area to give you that neat and tidy fit which is well finished and professional looking. Don't risk poorly fitted or loose carpets find professional carpet fitters now on Bark for free.
A M D FLOORING LTD profile image


Our company has over 50 years experience overall and have been working in domestic and commercial for this time. giving us the skills and knowledge to help and provide the best flooring and customer care we can.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

The end outcome and the pride that comes from the completion and the customer’s satisfaction

What inspired you to start your own business?

growing and learning watching how people do things. wether it’s wrong or right I want to make sure it’s always 100% for every customer no matter how big or small a job every job deserves the same input.

Why should our clients choose you?

Because I’m reliable, Professional, and garuntee work satisfaction and speed no person hanging around on a job taking there time getting in your way. You want a job well done and care to be taken that's what we do best.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Remotely my services cannot be provided online unless your booking or discussing a job I'm happy to offer advice even for work I am not doing I like to help and guide in anyway I can.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Masks are worn at all times on measures. but I ask on entry as the job is very physical wearing a mask is abit to much so I do ask that we can relax that rule on customers say so. I hope customers appreciate that. Anyone attending measures or on going works will have sanitizer and masks on board.

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The average price of Carpet Fitters is £350

Region Great Value



based on 2,809,480 reviews

Excellent work I will definitely call him again

07 May 2024

Very good service. Very friendly and reasonably priced.

06 May 2024

From start to finish, a very positive experience. I definitely recommend James and his team. Thanks guys

02 May 2024

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