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based on 12,173 reviews

Because of the urgency of the request I chose Mosharat Sultana because she could come down from London to Margate any time over the holiday weekend. She came the following day, Saturday, whilst my dear friend, Pat, was still able to understand and, with support, able to sign. It cost me extra money but was worth every penny because Pat's wishes can now be granted and she can go onto the strong palliative medication that she needs. She was laying in her bed smiling and relieved that she had got what she wanted, her cat will be looked after in his own home for the rest of his days, well fed and well looked after. I left her at peace with Fluffy laying on the bed with her. When you work out the cost per hour that Solicitors charge, it really wasn't expensive and Mosharat was very respectful of the situation and, although we had a few hiccups, like no broadband or printer, with the help of neighbours, it was all completed.

05 May 2024

Very engaging and so far very supportive as this issue is understood.

21 Apr 2024

I work with mb law farm with Selena she is handle my case affray I am very worried but she take me out no guilty and I am very happy any time call she answer no route like family treated I recommend streamly go there they very help ful I give 5 star

04 Apr 2024

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