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Putting up shelves is not as easy as it looks. Put away your drill and spirit level and let Bark find you a shelving installer near you. From bookshelves to floating shelves Bark can find you a shelving installer today.

The average price of Shelving Installers is £60

Region Great Value



based on 89,038 reviews

Professional & prompt. I would use him again.

23 Apr 2024

We asked Manu and team to install a fitted wardrobe and a bookshelf. Manu was very friendly and clearly knew his stuff, and gave some useful advice during the design consultation. The price was reasonable and he was able to book his team in within a week. The work was meant to be completed in two days but the team took an extra day. We were ok with it but wished this was planned ahead in the schedule. Manu and team ultimately delivered a great job - we were really impressed with the work! A lot of our friends complimented us on the beautiful bookshelf especially. We are even considering building another shelf now…

21 Apr 2024

Joe was great at communicating about the job, flexible and did a great job

18 Apr 2024

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