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Review Contracts Ltd profile image

Review Contracts Ltd


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

We are a recruitment business operating in the commercial sector placing IT, Office admin and sales people in to numerous market sectors. Our services include permanent and contract/Interim recruitment as well as managed recruitment services where we are engaged on a short/medium term to work in your business as your recruitment team. As a small company we have the ability to offer a quality service at a reasonable rate which we find is very well suited to small to medium sized organisations. We are Surrey based but have the ability to recruit across the whole of the UK and in to Europe.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Helping clients achieve the best working practices that enables their business to grow and run effectively by offering professional recruitment services and tools.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Being a successful recruiter is realised because we all bring our own personality and desire to contribute to the success of clients and applicants. The best way to achieve that is to follow your own ethics and service level - best done with your own company.

Why should our clients choose you?

We listen, we advise and we suggest - our aim is to ensure that each client and applicant partnership has value for both parties as this ensures a long term relationship for them both. This is why our clients have been with us for as long as 20 plus years.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes we can - in fact recruitment has always been a remote service between the recruiter and the hirer so the recent events have not really caused any major changes in operation.
We have provided our managed services to clients in the UK, USA, Singapore and Poland via a remote working process which have all have been successfully delivered.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We have worked with customers to discuss and create interview processes that can be effective using online interviewing tools and online meeting spaces.
As time has passed more and more clients have become enabled to ensure the best candidate experience during the interview process and subsequent hire.

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based on 14,510 reviews

Catch your cheating partner redhanded in their sneaky ways when you hire RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL, c0m. This was the expert that saved me from my cheating wife couple of weeks ago when I had a suspicion on her but couldn’t figure out exactly her ways. I was fortunate to hire this genuine tech pro to remotely access my wife’s cellphone and gave me access to her phone files ranging from iMessage, text messages, call history, Snapchat, gallery, videos etc. All these contents were both hidden, current and deleted files. This was how I got to know about her love affair with a colleague at her work place. I was shocked about all the details I retrieved but I’m glad that I’m freed from the shackles of a cheater. I’m currently in our divorce proceedings and this files are really helping me out in the court cases. Many thanks to RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL, c0m for rendering this intellectual phone monitoring service. Email: RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL, C0M WhatsApp: +44 7586 868096

07 May 2024

I was looking for the best and fast app to trace, track and monitor my spouse activities on her phone after I discovered she’s been acting strange lately and taking late night calls. Then I came on the internet to hire a genuine techie to remotely monitor her phone I got introduced to RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL, C0M and I thank my stars he was indeed competent and legit. He got me access to my spouse phone like I got her phone in my palm and it was all done discretely. WhatsApp: +44 7586 868096

07 May 2024

Carried out suggested instruction which was surveillance and tracing. Good service happy to recommend

07 May 2024

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