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based on 20,767 reviews

Great and efficient service, prompt communication, Highly recommended.

25 Apr 2024

Excellent communication and swift turnaround, highly recommended. We will not hesitate to use White Collar again. Philip - best of luck with your awesome business, pleasure working with you! Anastasia

09 May 2022

PHILIP NAM … Intelligence integrity patience and wisdom PHILIP NAM … He’s been a breath of fresh air I wish everyone in the legal profession had the intelligence, patience, integrity and wisdom he’s been blessed with. I contacted Philip Nam urgently regarding an extortionate bill of costs served on me after a litigation onslaught. I can’t recommend this man highly enough, He is incredibly honest and passionate in his approach to help he is EXTREMELY CLEVER and meticulous in his work !!! He most definitely thinks ‘outside the box’ ! He has somewhat restored my faith and given me confidence to believe the legal profession isn’t totally full of bad apples

26 May 2021

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