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based on 5,327 reviews

If you are after someone who is flexible, dedicated, understands your vision and someone who doesn't stop until the final result is perfect then SPL Communications should be your go to! I've lost count of the amount of hours i've spent working with Ian across 2022, he became a part of a team for us.

10 Jan 2023

It’s been an absolutely pleasure working with Ian Sandall from SPL Communications on my project, which was to create a series of long and short format videos showcasing the disability charity that I work for in Stockport. Ian immediately understood our brief due to having extensive experience of video production and also having worked with similar organisations. This was the first time the charity had commissioned anyone to undertake such as project and Ian was able to instil confidence that he was able to deliver what was required from the outset. Although we knew what we were trying to achieve, Ian was instrumental in shaping the outcomes and the process we needed to go through in internally to deliver this. Ian was very personable and easy to work with both from my perspective as the project manager but also for the members of staff who had to get up in front of the camera, which was very much out of their comfort zone. Everyone throughout the organisation was delighted with the final versions of all the videos produced and we’re already seeing the benefits of using these within our recruitment marketing activity. I’m would absolutely recommend SPL Communications to anyone considering them for their video production work.

10 Jan 2023

It’s been an absolutely pleasure working with Ian Sandall from SPL Communications on my project, which was to create a series of long and short format videos showcasing the disability charity that I work for in Stockport. Ian immediately understood our brief due to having extensive experience of video production and also having worked with similar organisations. This was the first time the charity had commissioned anyone to undertake such as project and Ian was able to instil confidence that he was able to deliver what was required from the outset. Although we knew what we were trying to achieve, Ian was instrumental in shaping the outcomes and the process we needed to go through in internally to deliver this. Ian was very personable and easy to work with both from my perspective as the project manager but also for the members of staff who had to get up in front of the camera, which was very much out of their comfort zone. Everyone throughout the organisation was delighted with the final versions of all the videos produced and we’re already seeing the benefits of using these within our recruitment marketing activity. I’m would absolutely recommend SPL Communications to anyone considering them for their video production work.

10 Jan 2023

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