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The average price of Spiritual Counsellors is £35.00 per session

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based on 69,740 reviews

What an amazing experience with Monica Rose. The fork tuning brought up a connection to my higher self opening up my pineal gland to see a pine coin and lion along with swathes of crimson and lilac. Monica is a wonderfully gifted lady who assists people on their spiritual journey. My gratitude is full for being redirected to spiritual enlightenment by Magical Monica Rose

25 Apr 2024

What an amazing experience with Monica Rose. The fork tuning brought up a connection to my higher self opening up my pineal gland to see a pine coin and lion along with swathes of crimson and lilac. Monica is a wonderfully gifted lady who assists people on their spiritual journey. My gratitude is full for being redirected to spiritual enlightenment by Magical Monica Rose

25 Apr 2024

I had a tuning fork treatment from Monica. She was very professional and explained things well. The treatment was very comfortable, enjoyable and relaxing. I was surprised how much I could feel the positive vibrational energy through my body from the forks, when they weren't even touching me. I left feeling calm, de-stressed and energised at the same time, as if lighter, or 'floating', like some blocked energy or tension has been released, that I didn't know was there. I still feel benefit now, a day later. I'll be going back for another and would definitely recommend. I expect anyone could benefit from this.

17 Apr 2024

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