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Lead is one of the most recycled building materials around and lasts far longer than many modern alternatives. Bark can help you find a lead roofer today. Let Bark know what you need and wait for the quotes to come to you. Lead offers excellent value for money and looks great. Try Bark today to find your local and rated lead roofer.



based on 212,443 reviews

I can not praise this company enough. They met me and showed me photos of what was wrong with my roof and told me what I’d expect during the repairs and how long they would take. Overall 10 out of 10 and Jason is a credit to the company with his patience and explanations

05 May 2024

There were a few issues that occurred but these were dealt with. After opening up my roof bigger problems were found and shown to me. Pat came out to site to discuss options and prices which was greatly appreciated. The lads did a great job of roof/chimney work and replacing gutters, fascias and soffits. It was quite stressful for me but they were reassuring and understanding. Overall I’m very pleased with the outcome.

05 May 2024

Really helpful, great customer service. Prompt reply to my queries, and they emailed to check afterward that everything was okay. Highly recommended.

02 May 2024

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