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Moving into a new home or taking care of an elderly relative can mean needing to make changes to your home. A home accessibility designer will be able to talk you through what modifications to your home are necessary in your circumstances and the home accessibility designers will be able to plan the changes and let you know about what support is available. Try Bark today for free.



based on 26,410 reviews

Tommy was extremely helpful and communicative. We had just moved to a new house and he was full of great advice, based on similar properties he had worked on. He really encouraged us to take our time when considering making changes to the house and live in it, considering light and different seasons. This was really good advice and was great to not feel pressured to move too quickly. He sent us lots of useful information and similar properties for inspiration. We will definitely be in touch with him in the future!

16 Apr 2024

From start to finish on our project Three% were there for my every question, thought, hestitation. We were well guided and informed on new ideas and products. We would absolutely use them again on any future projects.

07 Sep 2023

Very helpful and informative. I appreciated the advice shared which enabled me to progress my registration.

05 Jun 2023

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