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There a few things more disturbing than an infestation of bed bugs but fear not as Bark will be able to help you find a bed bug extermination professional. With bed bugs on the rise you need to be sure of effective eradication. Use Bark to find rated and reviewed bed bug extermination professionals for free. Try Bark today

The average price of Bed Bug Extermination professionals is £150

Region Great Value



based on 76,993 reviews

Needed steam treatment done as spraying was not working one bit! Sany was very understanding and explained all the options I had besides spraying and steam treatment was ideal as I did not want to use anymore chemicals due to my health. The send me very straight forward preparation list and was friendly to talk to if I had any questions. Would highly recommend them for steam treatment.

06 May 2024

Can’t recommend this company enough.They went above and beyond for us from the first point of contact, to the 6 th month guarantee we got at the end. On the day they arrived ahead of time and even stayed 2 hrs beyond what they were expecting the job to take.Their prices are extremely reasonable compared to several other quotes I received, and wouldn’t hesitate to use their services again.

02 May 2024

Can’t recommend this company enough.They went above and beyond for us from the first point of contact, to the 6 th month guarantee we got at the end. On the day they arrived ahead of time and even stayed 2 hrs beyond what they were expecting the job to take.Their prices are extremely reasonable compared to several other quotes I received, and wouldn’t hesitate to use their services again.

02 May 2024

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