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Turn that damp and dreary cellar or basement into a bright new extra room to give you more space and increase the value of your property. A trusted and reviewed cellar and basement conversion specialist will be able to advise you and guide you through the process getting your new room ready fast and for a good price. Try Bark today to get quotes from cellar and basement conversion specialists.



based on 67,556 reviews

Fabulous! Rob is absolutely professional and highly creative, bringing to life realistic and practical solutions to improve your home. Mine is SO much a better place to live because of his expert input.

04 May 2024

Richard’s company carried out the damp proofing in my home and tanked the cellar. We found him fair, most helpful and professional.

28 Apr 2024

I would highly recommend Smart Designs Constructors Ltd for building work. They are truly professional and reliable. Thank you guys

26 Apr 2024

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