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Find Local Zumba classes free with Bark. Whether you're a beginner looking to tone up or working on your general fitness we have the best local Zumba teachers for you

The average price of Zumba Classes is £4.00 per hour

Region Great Value
North West England
West Midlands



based on 16,143 reviews

I am really glad that Club Azucar have managed to overcome the problems with no classes during Covid - 19 and have set up zoom classes. I have been attending classes with Patti and Gina for over 2 years now and I love their Zumba classes. Having the classes has really helped me to maintain my fitness and I look forward to my classes. I have more energy and feel more positive about life. The teaching quality is excellent and Patti always listens when you give feedback on what songs you like etc. the music is varied and the dances are always interesting.

24 Jun 2020

I enjoyed this zumba classes so much! I miss going there but I don't have enough free time for it!

24 Jun 2020

I am really glad that Club Azucar have managed to overcome the problems with no classes during Covid - 19 and have set up zoom classes. I have been attending classes with Patti and Gina for over 2 years now and I love their Zumba classes. Having the classes has really helped me to maintain my fitness and I look forward to my classes. I have more energy and feel more positive about life. The teaching quality is excellent and Patti always listens when you give feedback on what songs you like etc. the music is varied and the dances are always interesting.

24 Jun 2020

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