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based on 586 reviews

I have been working with James for a year and it is the first time ever i have maintained a discipline of exercising regularly. This is down to James and his friendly, encouraging and just demanding enough style. James is knowledgeable and works with my goals. I am stronger and fitter than at any time in the last twenty years.

13 Dec 2021

My 2 months of PT sessions with James was fantastic. I learned a lot especially about how to do the work out in the correct form, and James was very approachable and also knowledgeable in this field which helped me to achieve my goal. After my training session with him, I'm a lot more knowledgeable in what to do at the gym or anywhere, which is a long-term gain from my PT experience with him. I recommend anybody to choose James as their PT.

13 Dec 2021

James has been really helpful pushing me forward with my training goals, following a serious knee injury. He has planned training that is sympathetic to this and has greatly improved my rehab. Would thoroughly recommend, whatever you are looking to get out of personal training.

13 Dec 2021

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