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based on 591 reviews

I've know John as a paddler since first moving to the area around 10 years ago and throughout that time he has been supportive in encouraging my skills development in kayaking and canoeing. He coached my sea kayaking skills to 4 star level from being a novice and has provided a firm knowledgable and encouraging atmosphere on all the many sessions we have shared. John has also encouraged my open canoe skills infecting me with his clear love of the activity of canoeing and with his wide skill set has also played a significant part in raising me from a novice in white water kayaking to a 3 star level. His risk assessment of environments and situations has also given me an insight into identifying issues that may be of concern. John's style of guiding and encouraging paddlers to think for themselves is itself a skill to emulate. :-)

24 Jun 2020

I've used John as an external assessor, adding candidates we'd trained for Lifeguard and Assistant lifeguard qualifications. John's approach was professional and easy to work with. He challenged the students to perform their skill set in a sensible assessment, within the syllabus yet stretching enough to see how they would perform. I will be using the services of John again in the near future.

24 Jun 2020

I have known & worked with John for many years through beach/ pool lifeguarding, & more especially his skills as a powerboat t/a. He teaches with a laid back attitude, that would lead you to believe that your not even learning just having lots of fun, yet he continues to easily gets his students to the required standards in all areas that I have seen him working

24 Jun 2020

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