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First time looking for a Tree Surgeon and not sure where to start? Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Tree Surgeons to review. There’s no pressure to hire, so you can compare profiles, read previous reviews and ask for more information before you make your decision. 

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Let us know which Tree Surgery service you’re looking for. Whether it’s pruning, trimming, or removal, tell us what you need and where you need it, and we’ll get to work. Using the information you’ve provided we’ll match you with the best local tree surgeons near you.


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Browse reviews, check out examples of past work and request more information - all from the professional’s Bark profile. With all the information you need to make an informed decision, choosing the right local tree surgeon is a piece of cake. Once you’ve found your match, all that’s left to do is seal the deal.

Find local Tree Surgeons

Keep your trees in good shape with a trusted tree surgeon. Whether you want your trees pruned, thinned or felled, we’ll find you a range of local tree surgeons (Arborists) to look after your trees.

Choosing the right professional for you

How much do Tree Surgeons cost?

Prices will vary according to the tree size and complexity of the tree surgery you are needing to be undertaken. Tree surgeons work in pairs to ensure their safety.

Your expert tree surgeon will be able to advise you on the full range of services available and will be able to help you advise you of the best quote to suit your needs. They will also be able to answer any questions you may have. Use Bark to get free quotes and find a tree surgeon in your local area today.

How do I decide on the best Tree Surgeon for the job?

Once you have received your quotations, it is best to look for the following from your trusted local tree surgeon. You should receive a full specification with clear and full details of the work to be undertaken. It should state whether VAT is included and what will happen to the timber and tree stumps.

It should also be clear who is responsible for obtaining planning permission if the tree is protected under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). A risk assessment should be carried out to protect both you and your property.

Companies should show evidence of insurance of 2 million pounds and above. It is also compulsory for staff to have an NPTC/Lantra Awards certificates for chainsaw use.

You can be confident that any of the Bark local tree surgeons listed will provide you with a good service and take care of your trees.

Do I need permission for tree removal?

If you are looking to remove a tree, you need to check with your local authority that the tree is not subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Trees can provide an aesthetic appeal, add to the areas biodiversity and also form part of conservation order. Your tree surgeon can offer advice on planning applications if required.

Can I get a tree preservation order (TPO) removed?

The only way it can be removed is by the council. Reasons to remove a TPO order include there was a mistake with the original order and if the tree is dead, dying or diseased.

What should I look for in a Tree Surgeon?

Tree surgery can be dangerous work so it important that your tree surgeon is suitably qualified. Not only can it be dangerous to the individual, poor workmanship can lead to damaged property and long-term damage to the trees themselves.

There are two recognised schemes certifying the competence of arborists through examination and regular re-assessment. These are the Arboricultural Association (AA) and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

Before choosing a professional, you may also want to ask for examples of past work, which could include images of different types of tree surgery they have performed in the past. You could also look at their profile page on Bark, and Bark can show you tree surgery reviews from past customers too as well as examples of work that they have completed.

What services do Tree Surgeons offer?

Tree surgeons can help you with a large number of tree services which include:

  • Tree pruning– They can reduce the size of your tree which helps to introduce more sunlight into your garden. In the same way that shrubs need pruning, trees need annual pruning to make their branches and stumps stronger and promotes new growth. Arborists may undertake tree surgery on ash trees, elm trees, beech trees, walnut trees and holly trees amongst others.
  • Crown shaping – tree surgeons can help tame a tree that is overgrown to give it a more uniformed shape.
  • Tree removals – Tree surgeons can undertake tree removals. They will reduce its size from the top and then work down to the trunk. They can then remove the tree stump.
  • Tree felling – When the trees are diseased, dead or dangerous, tree surgeons will undertake tree removal.
  • Tree planting – tree surgeons can also advise on choosing the best tree for a particular location and give advice on a management programme to ensure the tree stays healthy.

Bonnie Scotland Tree Surgery profile image

Bonnie Scotland Tree Surgery

‘21 Certificate of Excellence

***NOT CURRENTLY TAKING ANY BOOKINGS*** SOLUTIONS FOR ALL BUDGET’s Call today: 07736/978956 We are rated over ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ with over 165 reviews! Our team are time served skilled experts! Guaranteed to beat any quote. Covering all of Scotland.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

We don't have a job, we have a lifestyle. Our family have been perfecting our skills and gathering experience for over 35 years. Here at Bonnie Scotland it isn't always that sunny so when it is, its time to enjoy it in the garden with the family! However we work in all weather conditions removing and cutting back some very dangerous trees that pose risks to you or your hard earned property.

What inspired you to start your own business?

As a second generation family run business we took our love for the outdoors to customers who need us the most. From a single diseased tree blocking much needed sunlight out - Bonnie Scotland was born!

Why should our clients choose you?

We are a award winning family run business since 1985. Word of mouth has grew our clientele all over Scotland for over 35 years. We are proud to call ourselves skilled experts! As a fully insured, licenced company we hold all the relevant accreditations to undertake all arboriculture work . Specialising in all aspects of tree surgery from pruning and topping to complete removal. Being a 5 star company we stand for nothing less than complete customer satisfaction and that's exactly what you will always get! We offer discounts for the elderly, disabled and employees of the nhs. Please read our verified reviews.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

We provide quotes directly to your door or remotely subject to your requirements.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We wear face coverings and offer a remote surveying service.

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The average price of Tree Surgeons is £400

Region Great Value
Yorkshire and the Humber



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07 May 2024

Josh was fantastic, great communicator he came back to me straight away with a response and came round the next day to cut the lawn. Fab price too 1000% recommend to use

07 May 2024

A truly lovely, hardworking family business with buckets of energy, know-how, energy, honesty and a can-do attitude. Transformed my garden in a trice. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them, plus a pleasure to have around.

07 May 2024

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