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Grass cutting and lawncare services delivered by professionals will allow you to keep your lawn in an excellent shape all year round. Professionals who work in this business will be able to help you design and grow a truly beautiful lawn that will be easy to maintain. They can offer advice on choosing the right type of grass and teach you how to care for it correctly.
  • Bark will find you grass cutting and lawncare specialists who can provide a wide range of services, including fertilizing, seasonal lawncare, soil treatment, and weeding. They will help you design the most efficient watering scheme for the type of grass you choose to plant. These specialists can plant the grass of your choosing to ensure that it evenly covers the ground.
  • Grass cutting and lawncare services support “green” initiatives. The vast majority of the companies can provide you with organic fertilizers and other treatments that will help keep your lawn in perfect condition without harming the environment. Even the weed killers used by these services are safe for the planet.
  • Bark can help you find grass cutting and lawncare services as well as talented landscapers who will design the lawn of your dreams. These professionals will work with you to come up with landscaping ideas you like and can afford. Once you have the design, a professional lawncare service will help you make it a reality, planting the grass and flowers in your backyard to create the picture you desire. Finally, the professionals will provide you with tips on how to care for your lawn.

The average price of Lawncare Specialists is £16.00

Region Great Value
South East England



based on 207,815 reviews

Great quality of work completed by James at a fair price. Very efficient, hard working and tidy. Kept me informed throughout the work. Would not hesitate to use again for any damp work.

07 May 2024

Nice to finally meet Leon after period of communicating by text or Whatsapp messages. Arrived with young man who was to complete work. He got started right away. Young man worked diligently completing work well. Garden looks great and I'm looking forward to using it as soon as the sun comes out.

07 May 2024

Darren hasn’t started yet but was very enthusiastic and polite when he came to see me

06 May 2024

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